The Maldives

Cards (23)

  • What is the height above sea level in the Maldives?
  • What percentage of the islands stand less that 1m above sea level?
  • What is the average age of the people on the island?
    29.9 years
  • Current population of the Maldives is ?
    Around 560,000
  • What is one of the main reasons for sever costal erosion in the Maldives?
    Costal developments, especially the construction of new harbours
  • The expected sea rise of 1.5 feet would mean what percentage of land would be lost ?
  • What are the impacts of the construction of new harbours?
    Coastal erosion, the connection of the different island communities, a change in how sand moves along the shoreline, beaches disappearing, flooding
  • How deep is the soil on most of the island?
  • What will flooding do to the soil?
    It will be easily washed away meaning plants cannot grow and survive
  • What will happen to beaches as flooding transports material away?
    The land will be destroyed as there is nothing to absorb the energy of the wave
  • What habitats will be destroyed as a result of warmer sea temperatures?
    Coral reefs
  • flooding will result in the contamination of what supplies and what does this mean?
    freshwater, meaning that they will have to build expensive desalination plants or rely on rainwater
  • A reduction in what industry will lead to poverty?
  • Hotter and wetter conditions encourage what animals to spread disease?
  • Tourism produces what percentage of the country’s GDP?
  • Flooding will also impact fishing, how much of the GDP does this industry make?
  • How high was the sea wall that was put into place?
  • How much did the construction of the sea wall in male cost and where did the money come from?
    $60 million, which had to be borrowed from the japanese government putting the country into debt
  • The Maldives have planned a floating city, how many people can it house?
    20,000 people
  • The Maldives have constructed a floating island, how many currently live there and how many are expected to arrive?
    50,000 and 200,000 expected to arrive
  • How was the artificial island constructed?
    By pumping sand from the seabed onto a raised coral platform
  • How much did the artificial island project cost?
    $50 million
  • A projected wind turbine farm would create how much of the country’s energy?