A set is a well-defined collection, list or group of distinct objects or symbols. It is usually denoted by a capital letter of the English alphabet.
An element is an object or a symbol which belongs to a set and is denoted by the symbol €.
The cardinality of a set A is the number of elements of a set A denoted by n(A), read as "the cardinality of A".
An empty set is a set which has no element and is denoted by {}
A set is finite if it is empty or the elements in the set can be counted and the counting process must come to an end.
A set is infinite if it is not finite
A universal set is the set containing all the elements of the sets under discussion and is denoted by U.
A Venn diagram is a pictorial representation of relationships between sets.
Tabular or Listing Method - Using this method, we actually list down or enumerate the members of a set. The elements of the set are separated by commas and are enclosed with braces.
2. Defining Property Method - This is a method of describing a set using the properties of characteristics of the elements of the set.
Equal sets are two or more sets having the same elements,regardless of order in which the elements are written.
Equivalent sets are two or more finite sets having the same cardinality
Joint sets are two or more sets having at least one common element.
Disjoint sets are two or more sets having no common elements
The union of two sets A and B, denoted by A U B, is the set of elements that belong to A or to B or to both
The intersection of two sets A and B, denoted by A n B, is the set containing all the common elements of sets A and B.
If A is a subset of U, then the complement of set A denoted by A' is the set whose elements are all the elements of U which do not belong to A