A chamber is connected to a capillary tube with a drop of dye. As the organism in the chamber respires and uses oxygen, pressure decreases and the liquid moves in the capillary.
What is the control for this practical (respiration)?
Replace the organism with an inert object of the same mass.
How do you use the volume of oxygen consumed using a respirometer?
Place a fixed mass of soda lime in the respirometer with the organism. Measure the distance moved by the dye and calculate volume using distance * 𝛑r^2
How can the volume of Carbon Dioxide produced be found?
Perform two set-ups: one with soda-lime (A) and one without (B). Find the volume of gas used in the given time.
Volume of carbon dioxide = volume of A - volume of B
How is the rate of respiration calculated using data from the respirometer?
rate = volume of oxygen used / mass of organism / time
What is the risk of using soda-lime?
The soda-lime is corrosive. Wear eye protection and handle with gloves.
What are the control variables? (respiration)
Mass of organism
Mass of soda lime
Apparatus must be airtight - replace between each set-up
Formula for the respiratory quotient:
Volume of carbon dioxide produced / Volume of oxygen absorbed