Life is a gift from God - it is God who gives lifeand takes it away. Humans do not have the right to end a life
Life is sacred, humansare made in the'image of God', so we should protect life
Euthanasia breaks the commandment 'do not kill'
Christians prefer the work of hospices in caring for the terminally ill to euthanasia. The focus of a hospiceis controllingpain, not trying to cure a paitent
Liberal Christians on Euthanasia -
Quality of life is more important than simply being alive. If a person has noquality of life, euthanasia should be allowed
It could be an act of Christian love to end a person's lifewho is in great suffering
Islam on Euthanasia (1)-
Life is sacredand comes fromAllah. Allahdecides when youdie
Allah has a plan for everyone - only he chooses howlong each person lives. We should not 'play God' and try to interfere with his plan
Euthanasia is a form of suicideand all forms of suicide are wrong in Islam. It is punished in the afterlife
Islam on Euthanasia (2)-
Suffering is a test in order to developcourage and patience. Those who aresuffering must be shown care and compassion.
Muslimsaccept that life-support machines can be switched off if a person is in a coma and has no hope of recoverybecause their life has alreadyended
Humanism on Euthanasia -
Humaniststake a situation ethics approach and follow relative morality
Quality of life is more important than sanctity of life if a person is suffering
Euthanasia should not only be allowed for terminally illpeople but for those who are permanently and incurably suffering.
Humanists argue that humans have the right to die with dignity
Dying in Dignity -
A group who want euthanasia to be legal. It wants -
Choice: The right to to choose where to die, who is present and what treatment they have
Access: To have access to expert information on end-of-life options
Control: To have control over how they die, pain relief, planning death and ableto administer the drugs that kill them