popping dance styles

Cards (15)

  • Boogaloo
    • First form of popping
  • Boogaloo
    • Looser and shows smooth fluid motion
  • Boogaloo
    Incorporates isolated circular rolls of body parts (like your head, shoulders, hips and knees as if you are moving without bones)
  • Waving 
    • Shows the smooth fluid motion of your body parts, especially your arms (literally imitating the waves in the ocean)
  • Strutting
    • Shows popping or hitting angles from your limbs. 
  • Strutting
    • Involves the walkout as well as the twist and flex movements
  • Locking
    • Should be coordinated with the music where the movements are mostly large and exaggerated
  • Floating, Gliding, and Sliding
    • Footwork techniques that create illusions of your body floating smoothly on the floor
  • Floating, Gliding, and Sliding
    Example of this is moonwalking
  • Isolation
    • Keeping the rest of the body still while separating and moving a specific body part quickly or slowly
  • Isolation
    • Some of these movements are head, chest, and hip isolations
  • Scarecrow
    • This movement makes you look like you are imitating a puppet or scarecrow with strings attached to your joints
  • Strobing
    • A style of popping that makes your body move and stop quickly to make it look like you are moving with strobe light
  • Robot/Botting
    • It is like imitating the movement of a robot or mannequin by executing different popping techniques
  • Tutting
    • Involves creating geometric shapes with right angles using your arms or hands