Minority Influence

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  • Researched by Moscovici, the three things minority need to do to influence a majority:
    • Consistency
    • Commitment
    • Flexibility
  • Minority influence- 1
    1. Consistency- The minority's view increases the amount of interest from other people.
    Synchronic consistency - they're (the minority) all saying the same thing
    Diachronic consistency - consistent ideas over time
    Consistency causes others to rethink their own views
  • Minority influence - 2
    2. Commitment - Minorities engage in extreme activities to draw attention to their view, these come at some risk to the minority
    Majority now pays more attention to the minority
  • Minority influence - 3
    3. Flexibility - Members of the minority need to be prepared to adapt their POV and accept valid counter-arguments.
  • Minority influence- Msocovici's Research
    • Moscovici found the minority must be consistent in its viewpoint if they wish to influence the majority's opinion
  • Minority Influence - Moscovici's research 

    • Colour perception task
    • Participants placed in groups of six
    • Shown 36 slides of varying shades of blue
    • Participants stated colour of each slide out loud
    • Two of the six participants were confederates
    Findings: Moscovici found that in the consistent condition, the real participants agreed on 8.2% of the trials, whereas in the inconsistent condition, the real participants only agreed on 1.25% of the trials.
  • Minority Influence - Nemeth's Research
    Nemeth investigated minority influence and found that consistency from the minority can be interpreted negatively.
  • Nemeth's Research Method
    1. Participants, in groups of four, had to agree on the amount of compensation they would give to a victim of a ski-lift accident
    2. One of the participants in each group was a Confederate
    3. Two conditions:
    • Minority argued for a low rate of compensation and refused to change their position (inflexible)
    • Minority argued for a low rate of compensation but compromised by offering a slightly higher rate of compensation (flexible)