chapter 11

Cards (19)

  • Absenteeism
    The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something
  • Analog
    • A person or thing seen as comparable to another
    • Something that is similar to something else; the two are said to be analogous
    • In technological terms, something that has an output that's proportional or similar to its input-usually a voltage
  • Cognizant
    Knowledgeable of something especially through personal experience
  • Concessionaire
    A person, group, or company to whom a concession has been granted, especially to operate a subsidiary business or service
  • Curb
    To control or limit something that is not wanted
  • Disbursement
    Money paid into a business' operating budget, the delivery of a loan amount to a borrower, or the payment of a dividend to shareholders
  • Discretion
    The power or right to decide or act according to one's own judgment; freedom of judgment or choice
  • Dissemination
    The action or fact of spreading something, especially information, widely
  • Emoluments
    A salary, fee, or profit from employment or office
  • Honoraria
    A payment given for professional services that are rendered nominally without charge
  • Issuance
    The action of supplying or distributing something, especially for official purposes
  • Malversation
    Corrupt behavior in a position of trust, especially in public office
  • Organization
    An organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially a business, society and association
  • Partisan
    Strongly supports a particular person or cause, often without thinking carefully about the matter
  • Pertinent
    Relevant or applicable to a particular matter
  • Safekeeping
    The act or process of preserving in safety
  • Schemes
    A large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining a particular object or putting a particular idea into effect
  • Semester
    A half-year term in a school or college, typically lasting fifteen to eighteen weeks
  • Tardiness
    • The quality or fact of being late; lateness
    • Being late by not adhering to an established time schedule