-> wanted to see whether trad religion has declined and if so how far spirituality is compensating for this; distinguished between two groups
1) the congregational domain of traditional and evangelical Christianity
2) the holistic milieu of spirituality & the new age
->> in 2000: 7.9% of pop attended church & 1.6% took part in activities of the holistic milieu
->> congregational domain losing support though, while evangelical churches weren't
->> fewer were involved in the HM BUT it was growing - H&W identify why:
1) new age growing bc of turn in culture; a shift away from the idea of doing ur duty &obeying external authority to explore ur inner self
2) As a result, traditional religions, which demand duty and obedience, are declining.
3) Evangelical churches are more successful than the traditional churches. both demand discipline and duty, but evangelicals also emphasise the importance of spiritual healing and personal growth
->> in the spiritual marketplace, therefore, the winners are those who appeal to personal experience as the only genuine source of meaning & fulfilment