The term used for Confirmation by the Eastern Catholic churches in communion with Rome
Confirmation is not something one does to graduate
Confirmation is not something one does just to get married in the Catholic church
Confirmation cannot be reduced to a rite of passage
Confirmation is not a cultural celebration or party
Confirmation is a sacrament (holy mystery) that communicates and reveals communion with God and His grace
Confers a sacramental character that cannot be erased and that predisposes the Christian person to receive the very life of God and His divine protection
Completes the baptismal grace
Confirmed person
Is compelled to witness the Christian faith with conviction by word and deeds
Perpetuates (keeps alive) the grace of Pentecost
Has Messianic (salvific) character
Christ (Messiah) promised to send His spirit. This promise was fulfilled on Easter Sunday and Pentecost
Like Christ, we are anointed (chosen)
Chrismation comes from the word Christ (the anointed one)
Like Christ, we are anointed to
Proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God
Confirmation involves
A mature faith (a desire to grow in the knowledge of God)
A commitment to one's faith (church)
A commitment to know more about our faith's teachings, practices, and traditions
The spirit of God
Is given to us through the sacraments of initiation, we believe in the Holy Spirit
Lives in us
Acts through us
Assists us
Strengthens us
Guides us
The spirit of God is present in our lives
In our baptism (we are marked forever)
In our confirmation (we are anointed and filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit)
In our daily lives (we are strengthened through the sacraments and the Lord's divine protection)
The feast of the Holy Spirit
On Pentecost, the disciples of Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit
The church mission began on Pentecost
The effects of confirmation
Courage: mental strength
Hope: Positive outlook on life
Strength: the power to conquer temptation
Purpose: direction and meaning in life
Peace: the strength to overcome anxiety and fear
Grace: the power to do God's will
Truth: the power to do and follow what is right and true
How is the sacrament of confirmation celebrated?
1. The sacrament is celebrated through the anointing with chrism on the forehead
2. And the laying on of hands
3. And the words: be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit
Confirmation in the East
Confirmation is celebrated after baptism
In the East, confirmation is known as chrismation
Confirmation in the West
Confirmation is delayed to a later date
In the West, confirmation does not follow baptism (only in some exceptions)
Why are we anointed with chrism?
Anointing with oil has been the practice for confirmation since the early church. Chrism is connected to the word Christ, "anointed one"
Oil is a symbol of strength and healing
Oil of catechumens: cleansing and strengthening
Oil of the sick: healing and comfort
Chrism: consecration (made holy) and service
What happens at confirmation?
The Christians received a spiritual seal, our soul is marked with the Holy Spirit and His strength
Minister of confirmation
The original minister of confirmation is the bishop
Only the bishop can delegate (appoint) a priest to confirm in his name on special occasions or circumstances
In the Eastern churches, priests can confirm infants after baptism
Role of the sponsor
To help the one being confirmed remain firm in the faith
Sponsors are role models of faith, their task is to give support and inspiration to those living the Christian faith
Confirmation name
A name is chosen to remind us of baptism
A new name is a sign of a new life and a new way of living
5 spiritual effects of the sacrament of confirmation
Child of god - it roots us more deeply as children of god, which makes us cry "Abba Father"
5 spiritual effects of the sacrament of confirmation
Closer to Christ - it unites us more firmly with our savior Jesus Christ
5 spiritual effects of the sacrament of confirmation
Gifts of the holy spirit - it increases the gifts of the holy spirit in us: wisdom, counsel, understanding, knowledge, fortitude, piety, fear of the lord
5 spiritual effects of the sacrament of confirmation
Fully catholic - it renders our bond with the catholic church more perfect
5 spiritual effects of the sacrament of confirmation
Defend the faith - it gives us a special strength to spread and defend the faith as true witnesses of Jesus Christ
7 sacraments?
wisdom, counsel, understanding, knowledge, fortitude, piety, fear of the lord