Normal physiology requires cells to replicate at defined times and locations so require a start and stop mechanism. Loss of control is implicated in developmental disorders and pathologies.
Ki-67 is a protein indicative of proliferating cells and is involved in DNA replication.
Negative and positive feedback mechanisms are used to achieve precise control of regulation.
The mechanism of cell cycle control uses feedback
cell division occurs only after DNA replication
cell division occurs once DNA has replicated not allowing for a second (partial) replication
allows repair of DNA damage
3 main checkpoints during cell cycle
end of G1
is environment favorable?
end of G2
is all DNA replicated?
Is all DNA damage repaired?
M phase
are all chromosomes properly attached to mitotic spindle?
Regulation is largely achieve by:
protein phosphorylation (kinases)
dephosphorylation (phosphatases)
protein degradation (ubiquitinases)
Protein degradation by ubiquitination
addition of ubiquitin tag to protein
degradation of tagged protein in proteosome
activation by E1
transported by E2
ligation of ubiquitin by E3
Regulation by kinases
kinases add phosphate groups to proteins at specific residues
changes conformation
can allow a substrate to interact with an enzyme domain (activate)
or hinder access (inactivation)
Phosphorylation by kinases needs to be regulated so phosphorylation occurs at the correct time and location (by regulatory proteins e.g. cyclins)
Cyclins and Cdks - regulator of the kinases
Cyclins are transcribed in a particular time frame of the cell. The level of protein of a particular cyclin will gradually increase and then rapidly decrease. Cyclin-cdk activity is specific to a point in the cell cycle. Activity increases rapidly despite the level of the regulatory protein (cyclin) increasing gradually.
Regulation of cyclin:cdk
cdks are phosphorylated to inhibit their activity
inactive Cyclin-CDK complex
a phosphatase activates the cyclin-cdk complex
rapid reduction in cyclin:cdk activity is achieved by degradation of cyclin
enzymes add a chain of small ubiquitin groups
polyubiquitinated proteins are targeted for degradation in the proteosome
Other proteins can bind to cyclin:cdk complexes and inactivate the complex. Called cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CdkI). In late G1 the CDKIs are degraded by ubiquitination by the enzyme complex SCF.
cells only replicate when the external environment sends cues to stimulate cell division/the cell cycle
mitogens stimulate the production of cyclins involved in the early stages of the cell cycle
cyclins indirectly regulate the transcription of genes involved in processes such as DNA synthesis
Growth factors - stimulate cell growth (increase in size and mass) by promoting the synthesis and inhibiting the degradation of proteins and other macromolecules
Rb and E2f
Rb binds E2F transcription factors
phosphorylation of Rb releases E2F transcription factors allowing the interaction with transcription-activating proteins on the promoters of genes required for cell cycle e.g. DNA replication
expression of genes required for the cell cycle
Starting the cell cycle
cyclin D phosphorylates Rb to allow the cell to progress through the restriction point
prior to the restriction point cell cycle progression is dependent on extracellular signals
after the restriction point the cell is committed to the cell cycle - a cell-autonomous process
Completion of mitosis
metaphase to anaphase transition results in the separation of sister chromatids
held together by a protein called securin
securin is the other main target of the APC/C complex
Cdk-activating kinase - phosphorylates an activating site in Cdks
Wee1 kinase - phosphorylates inhibitory sites in Cdks; primarily involved in suppressing Cdk1 activity before mitosis
Cdc25 phosphatase - removes inhibitory phosphatases from Cdks; three family members (Cdc25A, B, C) in mammals, primarily involved in controlling Cdk1 activation at the onset of mitosis
Sic1 - suppresses Cdk1 activity in G1; phosphorylation by Cdk1 at the end of G1 triggers its destruction
p27 - suppresses G1/S-Cdk and S-Cdk activities in G1; helps cells withdraw from cell cycle when they terminally differentiate; phosphorylation by Cdk2 triggers its ubiquitylation by SCF
p21 - suppresses G1/S-Cdk and S-Cdk activities following DNA damage
p16 - suppresses G1-Cdk activity in G1; frequently inactivated in cancer
APC/C - catalyses ubiquitylation of regulatory proteins involved primarily in exit from mitosis; including securin and S- and M- cyclins; regulated by association with activating subunits Cdc20 or Cdh1
Cdc20 - APC/C-activating subunit in all cells; triggers initial activation of APC/C at metaphase-to-anaphase transition; stimulated by M-Cdk activity
Cdh1 - APC/C activating subunit that maintains APC/C activity after anaphase and throughout G1; inhibited by Cdk activity
SCF - catalyses ubiquitylation of regulatory proteins involved in G1 control, including some CKIs; phosphorylation of target protein usually required for this activity.