Why some groups participate more/less in the USA

Cards (7)

  • Groups more/less likely to participate in US politics
    • Older people
    • Young people
    • Women
    • Ethnic minorities
  • Older people
    More likely to participate in US politics as they have more of a tradition of voting and many will remember a time when certain groups couldn't vote such as women, and many will also have fought or grown up learning about the fight for democracy in world war 2
  • Young people
    Less likely to participate in US politics as they may not vote as they feel it doesn't matter because politicians haven't dealt with issues relevant to young people such as the high costs of health care, university or the large number of school shootings
  • Women
    Underrepresented in US politics as there are fewer women in government than there should be if everything was fair and representative of the wider population
  • Women underrepresentation
    • No woman has been president and only 20% of congress is female
  • Ethnic minorities
    Underrepresented in US politics as there are significantly fewer non-white politicians than there should be for politics to be reflective of the diversity of the USA
  • Ethnic minorities underrepresentation
    • Only 61% of the US population is White but 80% of congress is white and almost every president but one has been white