Political Influence of the USA

Cards (8)

  • US companies
    They have a global reach meaning they need to set up offices and stores in other countries, and as long as the US economy and these companies do well then that will have a positive influence on other countries by creating jobs
  • US companies in Scotland
    • Over 90,000 jobs in Scotland are inside American companies and many jobs in South Ayrshire such as at Trump Turnberry are dependent on US investment and businesses
  • US is one of the biggest polluters of climate change gasses
    Many American jobs are at risk by efforts to go green, so many US politicians have tried to stop efforts to halt climate change
  • US politics and climate change
    • Donald Trump pulled out of world efforts to stop climate change as many of his supporters don't believe its real
  • Many supporters of the Republican party in the US are against the right of women to have an abortion
    They are able to stop money that is given to countries in need if they disagree with how the money is spent
  • US politics and women's rights
    • Donald Trump stopped any aid being given to charities in other countries that supported women if they passed on any information about abortions, even in the case of rape
  • The way US leaders act can influence others around the world
    Donald Trump has waged war on the media in the USA calling respected channels "Fake News" when they give him bad coverage and so now tries to control the media through social media
  • US politics and media
    • The UK Prime Minister Boris Jonson, who Trump as nicknamed British Trump, has started to ignore mainstream media and use just social media to try and control the coverage of him