Social and economic issues in the USA

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  • Educational attainment
    • 35% of Whites have a degree in the US compared to 25% of Blacks and only 18% of Latinos
  • The USA is the richest country in the world yet also has a large number of people in poverty particularly amongst ethnic minority groups, LGBT people and women
  • Poverty
    • 10% of Whites are in poverty compared to 18% of Latinos and 21% of Blacks
  • Due to the USA being a very individualistic country, people are expected to provide their own health care through private insurance unlike in the USA
  • Lack of health care coverage
    • 9% of Whites don't have insurance but around 25% of Blacks don't have insurance
  • Affordable Healthcare Act
    Introduced while Barack Obama was president, its purpose was to give millions more people access to healthcare for the first time and make healthcare cheaper for many
  • Affordable Healthcare Act
    The number of uninsured people in America fell, going down 8% between 2010 and 2018
  • The Affordable Healthcare Act is ineffective because not everyone's health needs are being met in the USA, there are still large number of people who are uninsured
  • Affordable Healthcare Act ineffectiveness
    • 25% of Blacks do not have healthcare insurance