The role of the criminal courts in Scotland

Cards (13)

  • Role of the court: Punish
    The judge decides how someone should be punished for the crime
  • Role of the court: Determine guilt
    The court will hear all the arguments and evidence to decide if someone has committed a crime
  • Role of the court: Provide justice
    The courts have a responsibility to make sure the right person is convicted and victims know justice has been served
  • Power of the court: Fines
    The courts have the power to charge someone money to pay for the damages their crime has cost the community
  • Power of the court: Sentences
    The courts have the power to send people to prison for their crime, taking away their freedoms
  • Imprison people
  • Reoffending rates are high
  • Some guilty people get away
  • Purpose of prison: Protect
    Society must be protected from violent and persistent offenders by locking them away
  • Purpose of prison: Punish
    To make the offender suffer and pay for what they have done
  • Purpose of prison: Rehabilitate
    Prisons should be aimed at changing the character of the criminal so they keep within the law in future
  • Purpose of prison: Deter
    People are aware of the punishments that can happen if they commit a crime and therefore are less likely to do so
  • Purposes of prison sentences in Scotland
    • Protect
    • Punish
    • Rehabilitate
    • Deter