Looked at MZ and DZ twins to see if social aggression was caused by genes or the environment
Found that MZ and DZ twins had similar scores for social aggression showing that although there is a biological predisposition, there are also social factors involved
Some people don't respond to hormone treatment, showing there may be other factors involved so other treatments such as anger management may be more useful
Howelles found no significant difference in anger between the group engaging in CBT and the control group therefore the treatments may not be most effective
Cognitive interviews are difficult to use as they are long and take a lot of teaching to have the techniques required, there is no standardised way of doing them and police officers can't be sure they are doing it correctly
Lieberman found that when patients stopped taking drugs, it led to relapse and reappearance of cognitive and positive symptoms, therefore drug therapies may not be useful
Attempted to replicate the Rosenhan study by presenting herself at 9 psychiatric emergency rooms with the symptom of hearing the word 'thud' and was diagnosed with psychotic depression and prescribed antipsychotics
Found that after the rewards were made more frequent for non respondent youths the token economy programme was successful, individualised programmes more effective