Communication is inherent to the Engineering Design Process
Communication in Engineering
Importance of Communication
Meeting Documentation
Engineering Journals
Technical Reports
Who do engineers communicate with?
Other engineers
Other professionals (scientists, clinicians, educators, technicians, lawyers, etc.)
Other teams
Different technical languages
Context (Muscle Pressure Measurement)
Consider your audience when describing your design/solution/idea
Effective Meetings
Start and end on time with no time wasted
Move a team forward
A place for positive communication
Defined by their documentation
Meeting Documentation in ENG 1430
Notice of Meeting
Agenda Package
Notice of Meeting commonly a meeting invite
Advisor meetings have already been scheduled in ENG 1430
Agenda should contain details of what is to be done, early notification of how to prepare, a timetable for discussion, a start and an end, and breaks if required
Agenda packages include items required to prepare for the meeting and must be distributed before the meeting
Meeting Minutes
Record the discussion and the decisions made at the meeting
What Meeting Minutes should include
Subject, when, where, who (match Agenda)
Approvals or decisions from the meeting
Action items - responsibilities and timelines
References for each item in the agenda
The name of the Author
A note of new issues for next meeting's agenda (as needed)
Adjournment time
Meeting Minutes are assessed for timeliness, completeness, correctness, formatting, conciseness, organization, logic, spelling, and grammar
Engineering Journals ("Logbooks")
Record of project activities for clients and managers
Useful for patents ("first to invent")
Not all companies require logbooks, often industry-specific or business-specific requirements
Engineering Journal - How
Medium: Paper, Word Document, Excel, OneNote - whatever works for you, NOT ON PHONES
Must be: Logical, Neat, Makes sense to you
Content: Major decisions made, Action items, Important notes about the problem/task, Test results, Design sketches, Problems encountered
Engineering Journals are assessed for timeliness, organization, neatness, content, and ability to demonstrate individual contribution to the project
Technical Reports in ENG 1430 have a specific structure and weighting
You are bringing your journal to class
Fundamental Question
Can you use your journal to demonstrate individual contribution to the project?
Bring your journal to ALL LABS
First Journal Check
Week of Feb. 26
Physical journals do not need software updates, require 0 loading time, are portable, and cost <$5.00
Weekly update on Outlook
1. Address priority tasks
2. Miscellaneous notes
3. Reconsider tasks for the next week
Technical Reports in ENG 1430
Problem Definition
Idea Generation
Decision Making
Communicate Results
Final Reports in ENG 1430
Title Page
Problem Statement
Target Specifications
Proposed Solutions
Decision Matrices
Final Design (Summary and Assembly)
Test Methods and Results
Bibliography (IEEE Citation Standards)
Bill of Materials
Report Quality
IEEE Citation Standards required for ENG 1430 (and many departments)
When referencing something that is not your own, you MUST cite it
In-text citations
Use numbers [1], [2], etc.
Uses a format to detail those citations
[1, 2]: 'Research studies have shown the importance and effectiveness of organized "team development interventions" (team building activities)'
[3]: '"The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" by P. Lencioni'
Guideline is available for ENG 1430. Your team is welcome to create your own template.
If you choose to create a template, include: Table of contents, Page numbers, Headers, Figure & table captions
Do not use fill-in-the-box sections like in the guideline if you create a template. This was to help guide writing.
We are looking for quality in: Spelling, Grammar, Consistency (avoid awkward spacing or inconsistent font usage), Content (clear, concise)
Good quality documentation increases the reader's confidence in technical content.
Final Reports - Tips
Distribute the report sections
Avoid using personal pronouns in professional writing (we, you, us, my, etc.)
Avoid conjunctions in professional writing (don't, it's, etc.)
Avoid colloquialisms or idioms, ex. "kind of" or "on the other hand"
Edit: (assign an editor per section and MAKE TIME to review)
Ensure consistent formatting
Correct grammar, and punctuation (try reading out loud to check)
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