Cards (91)

  • Microscopic examination of urine
    Detect and identify insoluble material present in the urine sediment or sample
  • Macroscopic screening and microscopic correlation
    Different parameters: physical examination→ chemical examination
  • Screening Test
    • Color
    • Clarity (Clear, Hazy or Turbid)
    • Blood
    • Protein
    • Nitrite
    • Leukoctre esterase
    • Glucose
  • Significance
    Blood: Hematuria versus hemoglobinuria
    Clarity: Confirm pathologic or non-pathologic cause of turbidity
    Blood: RBCs/RBC casts
    Protein: Casts/cells
    Nitrite: Bacteria/WBCs
    Leukoctre esterase: WBCs/WBC casts/ bacteria
    Glucose: Yeast
  • Preparation of the Urine Sediment
    1. Freshly voided urine
    2. Midstream clean-catch specimen
    3. 10-15 mL (12 mL)
    4. Centrifuged for 5 mins at 400 RCF
    5. 0.5-1.0 mL → left after decantation
    6. Agitate
    7. Place a drop (20 µL or 0.02 mL) of centrifuged urine in a slide + glass cover slip (22 X 22 mm)
    8. Read microscopically
  • Examination of the Urine Sediment
    Observe minimum of 10 fields (both low & high PF)
    LPF (10x): detect casts and to ascertain the general composition of the sediment
    HPF (40x): Identification
    Casts have a tendency to locate near the edges of the cover slip (LPF scanning around the cover slip perimeter)
    Bright field microscopy (unstained sediments)
    Artifacts are larger than urinary sediments
  • Reporting of Microscopic Sediments
    Casts: LPF 10 fields
    RBCs, WBCs: HPF
    Epithelial cells, crystals, and other elements: Semi-quantitative terms (rare, few, moderate, and many, or as 1+, 2+, 3+, and 4+, following laboratory format as to LPF or HPF use)
  • Manner of Reporting
    • Occasional: 0-1, 0-3/HPF at 10 fields
    Few: 0-4, 2-5/HPF at 10 fields
    Some: 3-5, 8-10/HPF at 10 fields
    Moderate: More than 10/HPF at 10 fields
    Many: Abnudant/HPF
    TNTC: Too numerous to count (loaded)
  • Routine Urinalysis Correlations
    Microscopic Elements: RBCs, WBCs, Epithelial cells, Casts, Bacteria, Crystals
    Physical: Turbidity, Color
    Chemical: Blood, Protein, Nitrite, Leukocyte esterase, pH, Bilirubin
    Exceptions: Hemolysis, Lysis, Number and type
  • Sediment Examination Techniques (Stains)
    • Sternheimer-Malbin (Crystal violet & Safranin O)
    Toluidine blue (metachromatic stain)
    2% acetic acid
    Lipid Stains: Oil Red O and Sudan III
    Gram stain
    Hansel stain
    Prussian blue stain
  • Expected Staining Reactions of Sediment Constituents
    RBCs, Hyaline casts, Coarse granular inclusion casts, Finely granular inclusion casts, WBCs, Glitter cells, Renal tubular epithelial cells, Bladder tubular epithelial cells, Squamous epithelial cells, Waxy casts, Fat inclusion casts, Red cell inclusion, Blood (hemoglobin) casts, Bacteria, Trichomonas vaginalis, Mucus, Background
  • Cytodiagnostic Urine Testing
    Preparation of permanent slides using cytocentrifugation
    Staining with Papanicolaou stain
    Detection of malignancies of the lower urinary tract
    First morning specimen
    Provides more definitive information about renal tubular changes associated with transplants rejection; viral, fungal, and parasitic infections; cellular inclusions; pathologic casts; and inflammatory conditions.
  • Urinalysis Microscopic Techniques
    • Bright-field microscopy
    Phase-contrast microscopy
    Polarizing microscopy
    Dark-field microscopy
    Fluorescence microscopy
    Interference-contrast microscopy
  • Red Blood Cell (RBC)

    Non-nucleated biconcave disks
    Crenated in hypertonic urine
    Ghost cells in hypotonic/hyposthenuric urine
    Dysmorphic with glomerular membrane damage
    Sources of Identification error: Oil droplets, Yeast cells, Air bubbles
    Reporting: Average number per 10 hpfs
    Clinical Significance: Damage to the glomerular membrane or vascular injury within the genitourinary tract
  • White Blood Cell (WBC)
    Larger than RBCs (12μ diameter)
    Granulated, multilobed neutrophils
    Glitter cells in hypotonic urine
    Mononuclear cells with abundant cytoplasm
    Sources of Identification error: Renal tubular epithelial cells
    Reporting: Average number per 10 hpfs
    Complete urinalysis correlation: Leukocyte esterase, Nitrite, Specific gravity, pH
  • Epithelial Cells (Squamous)

    Largest cells in the sediment with abundant, irregular cytoplasm and prominent nuclei
    Sources of Identification error: Rarely encountered, folded cells may resemble casts
    Reporting: Rare, few, moderate, or many per lpf
    Complete urinalysis correlation: Clarity
  • Epithelial Cells (Transitional/Urothelial)

    Spherical, polyheral, or caudate with centrally located nucleus
    Sources of Identification error: Spherical forms resemble RTE cells
    Reporting: Rare, few, moderate, or many per hpf
    Complete urinalysis correlation: Clarity, Blood (if malignancy-associated)
  • Epithelial Cells (Renal Tubular)

    Rectangular, columnar, round, oval or, cuboidal with an eccentric nucleus possibly bilirubin-stained or hemosiderin-laden
    Sources of Identification error: Spherical transitional cells, Granular casts
    Reporting: Average number per 10 hpfs
    Complete urinalysis correlation: Leukocyte esterase and nitrite (pyelonephritis), Color, Clarity, Protein, Bilirubin (hepatitis), Blood
  • Oval Fat Bodies
    Highly refractile RTE cells
    Sources of Identification error: Confirm with fat stains and polarized microscopy
    Reporting: Average number per hpfs
    Complete urinalysis correlation: Clarity, Blood, Protein, Free fat droplets/fatty casts
  • Bacteria
    Small spherical and rod-shaped structures
    Sources of Identification error: Amorphous phosphates and urates
    Reporting: Few, moderate, or many per hpf, the presence of WBCs may be required
    Complete urinalysis correlation: pH, Nitrite, Leukocyte esterase, WBCs
  • Yeast
    Small, oval, refractile structures with buds and/or mycelia
    Sources of Identification error: RBCs
    Reporting: Rare, few, moderate, or many per hpf, the presence of WBCs may be required
    Complete urinalysis correlation: Glucose, Leukocyte esterase, WBCs
  • Parasite
    Pear-shaped, motile, flagellated
    Sources of Identification error: WBCs, renal tubular epithelial cells
    Reporting: Rare, few, moderate, or many per hpf
    Complete urinalysis correlation: Leukocyte esterase, WBCs
  • Spermatozoa
    Tapered oval head with long, thin tail
    Sources of Identification error: None
    Reporting: Present, based on laboratory protocol
    Complete urinalysis correlation: Protein
  • Mucus
    Single or clumped threads
  • Identification error
  • Reporting
    Rare, few, moderate, or many per hpf
  • Presence of WBCs

    May be required
  • Complete urinalysis correlation
    • Glucose
    • LE
    • WBCs
  • Parasite
    T. vaginalis
  • T. vaginalis
    • STP associated with vaginal inflammation
    • Asymptomatic - male urethra and prostate
  • Schistosoa haematobiumm ova

    Often contained in the last few drops of urine expelled from the bladder
  • Enterobius vernicularis ova
    Fecal contamination
  • Spermatozoa
    Tapered oval head with long, thin tail
  • Spermatozoa identification error

  • Spermatozoa reporting

    Present, based on laboratory protocol
  • Spermatozoa complete urinalysis correlation
  • Urine casts
    • Unique to kidney
    • Formed within the lumen of DCT & CD
    • Provides microscopic view of condition within nephron
    • LPF → detection/scanning around cover slip edge
    • Cast matrix – low refractive index → observe in subdued light
    • Reporting: Ave. #/10 LPF
  • Casts composition and formation
    • Tamm-Horsfall protein (glycoprotein excreted by the RTE cells of the CDT and upper collecting ducts) - major constituent of casts
    • Albumin, immunoglobulin
    • Protein gelurine-flow stasis, acidity, Na+, Ca++
    • Tapered end → formed at the junction at ALH & DCT - cylindroids
    • Cylindria → presence of urinary cast
  • Hyaline casts
    Colorless homogenous matrix
  • Hyaline casts identification error
    Mucus, fibers, hair, increased lighting