Beetroot practical

Cards (10)

  • How can you investigate how temperature affects beetroot membrane permeability?
  • what is step 1?
    1. using a scalpel, and chopping board cut 5 equal sized pieces of beetroot. rinse pieces to remove any pigment released during cutting
  • what is step 2?
    2. Add 5 pieces to 5 different test tubes, each containing 5cm3 of water (use measuring cylinder/pipette to measure the water)
  • what is step 3?
    3. place each test tube in a water bath at a different temp eg 10,20,30etc for the SAME LENGTH OF TIME -measured by a stopwatch
  • what is step 4?
    Remove the pieces of beetroot from the tubes-- LEAVE JUST THE COLOURED LIQUID!
  • what is step 5?

    Use a colorimeter-
    the higher the absorbance, the more pigment released = the higher the permeability of the membrane
  • what is step 6?
    connect the colorimeter to a computer and use software to collect the data and draw a graph of the results
  • what do colorimeters need?
    5 minutes to stabilise before using and calibrating at zero by taking a measurement through pure water
  • what is a colorimeter?
    a machine that passes light through the liquid and measures how much of that light is absorbed
  • the higher the absorbance =?
    the more pigment released so the higher the permeability of the membrane