electric motors and loudspeakers

Cards (3)

  • how do electric motors work?
    • the forces act one up and one down so causes the coil to rotate
    • the spilt ring commutator reverses the current to keep the motor spinning the same direction
  • how does a loudspeaker work?
    • an alternating current goes through the coil of wire attached to the base of the paper cone
    • the coil surrounds one pole of a permeant magnet so the current causes a force on the coil so the cones moves
    • when the current reverses the force acts in the opposite direction so the cone does the same
    • the variations of the current causes the cone to vibrate which causes sound waves.
    • the frequency of the sound wave is the same as the frequency of the alternating current
  • split ring commuters allows the current to flow in the same direction