self report technique interview

Cards (3)

  • Structured interviews: have a set general aim that has to be met and that has predetermined questions. These can be done face to face or over the phone. Strengths:
    They can  be replicated easily as the format is standardised, and also reduces the differences between the interviewers. Weaknesses:
    Interviews are unable to deviate from the topic or questions as it will limit the richness of the data collected. 
  • Unstructured interviews: They have a general aim and questions that can be asked and interviewees are encouraged to elaborate.Strengths:
    Allows flexibility, helping gain insight of the interviewee. Weaknesses: 
    Can lead to an increase in interviewer bias, the data can be difficult to analyse as it is not straightforward, as ther data may be irrelevant therefore it is difficult to come to conclusions, ther interviewee may also lie for social desirability. 
  • Semi-structured interview: They are mediation between  a structured and unstructured interview. They are commonly used in job interviews. Strengths:
    Allows two way communication and provides qualitative data. Weaknesses:
    Time consuming .