chapter 12

Cards (7)

  • What is the SAT?
    College admissions test (predicts 1st year GPA), has criterion validity, corresponds high school curriculum and covers the common core benchmarks, no differential advantages to any racial or income group, scores 400 to 1600 points
  • What is the GRE?
    Sorting procedure for grad school admission, "GENERAL SCHOLASTIC ABILITY", predictive criterion but validity is weak, extreme range restriction, used in addition to letters of recommendation and other factors for highly competitive programs.
  • The GRE contains?
    GRE-V and GRE-Q scores
    GRE-V = verbal
    GRE-Q = quantitative
    It is a multiple choice format that covers arithmetic reasoning, algebra, geometry.
    Scoring is 130 to 170
  • The GRE tends to?
    overpredict achievement of younger students and underpredicts performance of older students.
  • What is the LSAT?
    Law School Admission Test, Requires little specific knowledge --> any major can take it. Requires reading comprehensions, logical reasoning, analytical reasoning. Little variation from year to year, booklets to analyze questions, greater content validity, no evidence of bias.
  • What is the Raven Progressive Matrices?
    IQ test, 60 matrices, nonverbal pattern seeking (find missing part from as many as 8 choices), progressively gets harder. Used with or without time limit. Dodges bias issues --> less educational or cultural issues. Correlates highly with g --> high correlation between raven scores and IQ.
  • The Raven Progressive Matrices is used?
    In educational settings but a suitable test anytime one needs and estimate of an individual’s general intelligence. Administered to groups or individuals, young to elderly.