
Cards (12)

  • Nationalism
    The idea that the nation is the basis of a community of people and their identity is based on shared elements such as language, culture, traditions, geography, history, or religion
  • Identity can be complicated, with people feeling a basis in multiple communities (e.g. Scottish and British)
  • German nationalism predated the actual nation-state of Germany
  • Nations
    • Tend to seek self-determination and create nation-states
    • Can be associated with colonialism, expansionism, and imposing cultural dominance
    • Can also be associated with anti-colonialism and seeking independence
  • Culturalism
    The belief that shared culture is absolutely key, and that a nation has special characteristics or a 'Volk-geist' that makes it superior
  • Culturalism can lead to racialism and discriminatory actions based on race and ethnicity
  • Civic nationalism
    A form of nationalism focused on equality, respect, and cooperation rather than cultural superiority
  • Liberal nationalism
    A form of nationalism that respects the sovereignty of different nations while promoting cooperation
  • Forms of nationalism
    • Civic nationalism
    • Liberal nationalism
    • Chauvinistic nationalism
    • Expansionistic nationalism
    • Anti-colonial nationalism
    • Black nationalism
  • Nationalism and the economy
    • Liberal nationalists want to economically collaborate with other nations
    • Chauvinistic nationalists see other nations as economic threats and seek autonomy or exploitation
    • Nativists want to protect the interests of the original group and pursue protectionism
  • Nationalism and the state
    • Promotes self-determination and the creation of nation-states
    • Can break down existing empires and nation-states
    • Often connects national identity to state institutions like monarchy and parliament
    • Some states are multinational, with multiple nations within
  • Americans often have a 'prefix' to their identity (e.g. Irish-American, Italian-American)