
Cards (13)

  • validity is the extent which observed effects are genuine and measure what it is supposed to measure
  • face validity is a measure scrutinised to determine whether it appears to measure what its supposed to measure
  • concurrent validity is the extent to which psychological measure relates to an existing similar measure
  • ecological validity is the extent which findings from research or study can be generalised to other settings and situations
  • temporal validity is the extent to which findings from a research findings can be generalised to historical eras
  • internal validity is whether the effects of observed in an experiment are due to the manipulation of independent variable and not other factor such as demand characteistics
  • external validity is whether the findings are able to be applied to participants outside of the study
  • assessing face validity:
    if test/ scale measures what its supposed to measure. can be determined by eyeballing measuring instrument or giving to expert to check
  • assessing concurrent validity:
    if test/ scale has same or similar results to similar well-established one. done by correlating results and is significant when +.8
  • improve validity experiments:
    use a control group so researcher able to assess the changes in dependent variable due to the effect of independent variable
    standardised procedures to decrease pps reactivity and investigator effects
    single/ double blind procedure
  • improve validity questionnaire:
    incooporating a lie scale to assess the consistency of responses and control effects of social desirability can be enhanced by making sure pps are anonymous
  • improve validity observations:
    produce findings high ecological validity have minimal input researcher e.g in covert operations
    behavioural categories that are too broad or overlap reduce validity
  • improve validity qualitative research:
    increase validity as less interpretative as depth able to reflect pps reality but still may have some interpretative validity which is the extent interpretation matches the pps inc direct quotes from pps within the report enhanced through triangulation