Lecture 8 - Cancer - Mitosis Gone Wrong

Cards (18)

    • Cancer is a group of cells that come from uncontrolled cell division.
    • Some cancers run in families while others are caused by things in the environment. Like poor lifestyle choices.
    • Cancer can even happen in cats, dogs, fish, even plants
    • Tumor: When cells grow uncontrollably and form a mass of cells.
  • Benign Tumor: a tumor that is not cancerous because it has no affect on surrounding cells. 
  • Malignant Tumor: a tumor is cancerous because it interferes with functioning of surrounding cells.
  • Sometimes Cancer cells can break away from the tumor and travel to a different part of the body… This is called ~ Metastasis
  • Abnormal Meiosis
    • Errors during meiosis can occur during “Crossing Over” or/and “Independent Assortment”
    • This can change: 
    1. The number of chromosomes or 
    2. Changes the chromosomes structure!   
    1. Structural Errors
    • During cross over chemical bonds that hold the DNA together in chromosomes are broken and reformed. This causes Chromosomes Structural errors.
    1. Structural Errors
    • A. Deletion: a piece of DNA is deleted from chromosome
    1. Structural Errors
    • B. Duplication: a section of DNA appears 2-3x
    1. Structural Errors
    • C. Inversion: a section of DNA is inverted
    1. Structural Errors
    • D. Translocation: a segment of DNA becomes attached to a different chromosome 
    1. Structural Errors
    • E. Insertion: a piece of DNA is inserted into the chromosome
    1. Structural Errors
    • F. Base pair substitution: base pairs switch locations
  • 2. Chromosome #Errors
    • Sometimes homologous chromosome pairs or sister chromatids do no separate as they should during meiosis ~ called non-disjunction.
    • This would occur during Anaphase I or II
    • As a result gametes produced have too many or few chromosomes.
    • The loss of a chromosome is called ~ Monosomy 
    • The gain of an extra chromosomes is called ~ Trisomy