There are three main types of neurons - sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons.
Sensory neurons are neurons that are coupled with receptors specialized in detecting + responding to stimuli.
Motor neurons control the activity of muscles and movement. They are responsible for all forms of behavior.
Interneurons mediate simple reflexes, as well as being responsible for the highest functions of the brain.
Glial cells have a supporting role for neurons, and also is important when it comes to nervous system development and adult brain function.
Neurons have four main compontents: the dendrite, the cell body, the axon, and the synapse.
The brain and the spinal cord are connected to sensory receptors and muscles through long axons that make up the peripheral nerves.
The spinal cord has two functions: allowing for quick reflexes (ex. rapid withdrawl of a limb from a hot surface) and more complex motions, as well as acting as a highway between brain and body.
Overall, the brain can be divided into two main parts: the brainstem and the cerebral hemispheres.
The brain stem can be divided into three parts: the hind-brain, the mid-brain, and a "between-brain" called the diencephalon.
The hind-brain is actually an extension of the spinal cord, it moderates crucial life functions such as breathing and blood pressure.
The cerebellum (controls voluntary movement) arises from the top of the hind-brain.
The midbrain contains neurons that predominantly use chemical messengers, these help moderate the activity of neurons that are in the higher centres of the brain.
The diencephalon is divided into two different areas called the thalamus (regulates sensory information to cerebral cortex and back) and hypothalamus (controls the pituary gland, hormones, and maintains homeostasis).
The cerebral hemispheres have a core, the basal ganglia, which is surrounded by thin sheets of neurons that make up the gray matter of the cerebral cortex.
The basal ganglia play a central role in the initiation and control of movement.
The cerebral cortex is greatly folded to allow for a larger surface area for the sheet of neurons that would otherwise be impossible.
Sensory areas that recieve information from the skin are known as "somaesthetic" areas.
The left half of the body sends information to the right hemisphere, while the right half of the body sends information to the left hemisphere.
The two halves of the brain do not work in isolation; the two hemispheres are connected by a large fibre tract called the corpus callosum.
The cerebral cortex is necessary for voluntary actions, language, speech, and other higher functions.
Many functions carried out by the cerebral cortex occur in both hemispheres, but some are lateralized to one hemisphere over another.
The dendrite recieves, the cell body integrates, and the axons transmit - a process known as polarization.
The neuron is held together by membranes made of fatty acids, and are draped around a cytoskeleton made of rods of tubular and filamentous proteins.
Tiny protuberances that stick out of dendrites are called "dendritic spines". These are where incoming axons make most of their connections.
The end points of axons also respond to molecules known as growth factors - molecules that influence neuronal genes and dendrite growth.
The part where dendrites have close contacts with other axons is called a synapse,
Communication between nerve cells at synapses is called "synaptic transmission" and involves chemical processes.
When a dendrite recieves a chemical messenger, miniature electrical currents are set up in the recieving dendritic spine. When currents move in, it is exhibition. When currentss move out, it is inhibition.
The axons of neurons transmit electrical pulses called action potentials.
The axonal membrane has ion channels that allow for the influx of sodium ions and others for potassium ions. This allows for the action potential to travel down the neuron.
In the long run, Na+/K+ ion pumps help maintain the overall concentration gradient that allows for the action potential.
An analogy used to help describe the action potential is lighting a firecracker.
Patch-clamping is a modern electrical recording technique used by scientists to study the movement of ions in individual ion channels.
An insulating blanket made of stretched-out glial cell membranes that cover an axon is called a "myelin sheath". It makes the neuron fire faster.
Neurons that have myelin sheaths fire faster than neurons that are not insulated.
The myelin sheath prevents the ionic currents in the axon from leaking out, but every so often there is a gap that concentrates Na+ and K+ ion channels.
In fact, in myelinated neurons, actions potentials can travel 100 metres per second!
Actions potentials have the distinctive characteristic of being "all-or-nothing" - they either fire or they don't. They do not vary in intensity, only in how often they occur.
Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley did experiments on the giant axon of the squid to study the transmission of the nerve impulse.