Unit 4 Geography- Political Patterns and Processes

Cards (50)

  • state- has a permanent government and a permanent population, and is a sovereign state.
  • nation: a group of people who share a common culture and language and who live in a particular territory.
  • nation-state: a state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular nation.
  • stateless nation: national group is spread out over several states, the group is the minority group in each state, have no political power.
  • multistate nation: a national group homeland has a state of its own and spreads across its borders, it controls social, economic, and political power, and influence other countries.
  • semi-autonomous: region have a moderate degree of self-govern and freedom.
  • autonomous: region have high degree of self-government and freedom.
  • sovereignty: the right of a state to rue over itself.
  • self-determination: people have a right to govern themselves, often a nation or ethnicity that wants its own state.
  • Balkanization: The process of dividing a country into smaller countries.
  • imperialism: larger idea of creating an empire by exerting force to control other nations often from afar.
  • independence movement: group of people in a portion part of an area advocating to separation from larger political entity.
  • devolution: breaking up of state into smaller unit or the passing of power from central to lower government.
  • territorially: the connection of people, their culture, and their economic system to the land.
  • neocolonialism: developed countries exert economic power over developing countries.
  • shelterbelt: local conflict within the same states or between countries in the region as well as the involvement of opposing great power outside the region.
  • bi-national state: a state with two nations
  • political boundaries: an imaginary line separating one political unit, such a country or state.
  • chokepoint: a narrow passage or area that is difficult to pass through or control.
  • relic boundary: former boundary that no longer exist but hold some kind of significance.
  • superimpose boundary: boundary that are drawn from outside power and tend to ignore existing boundaries of social, cultural, and ethnic differences.
  • antecedent boundary: a boundary drawn before many people live in an area and established a cultural landscape.
  • geometric boundary: boundary that follows a straight line, often using latitude and longitude.
  • subsequent boundary: boundary drawn where people already settled with culture already established.
  • consequent boundary: a kind of subsequent that is drawn to accommodate existing difference among people such as ethnicity, language, and religion.
  • defined boundary is an established by legal document.
  • delimited boundary: a limit on a map that shows the limit the government jurisdiction have.
  • demarcated boundary: identified by physical marks or barriers.
  • boundary dispute - definitional: conflict over the interpretation of documents defining a boundary or the way it how on the ground.
  • boundary dispute - location: conflict between states or region over the ownership of a given area.
  • boundary dispute - operational: conflict over the national policies applied at a border.
  • boundary dispute - allocation: conflict over the use of resources created by complicated by boundary disputes.
  • 12-24-200: asserting a 12 nm territorial sea, 24 nm contagious zone, and 200 nm EEZ
  • Midline principal: when there isn't enough water for each country on opposite side of the seas to have 200 nautical miles of exclusive economic zones (EEZ), two or more countries will divide the water evenly.
  • redistricting: the process of drawing electoral districts boundary, take place in the US following the completion of each decennial census to account for population shift.
  • congressional voting districts: the 435 regions from which voting representatives are elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.
  • gerrymandering: the manipulation of electoral districts to favor one political party over another.
  • federal state: a country where governmental authority is shared among a central governmental and various other smaller, regional authority.
  • Unitary state: a state where laws are administered uniformly by one central government.
  • ethnic separatism: occurs when minority groups fight for independence.