Small Intestine (Digestive System) - absorbs nutrients
Large Intestine (Digestive System) - absorbs water and nutrients through the body
Cecum (Digestive System) - Absorbs cellulose and turns it into cellulase by bacteria
Pancreas (Digestive System) - produces enzymes to break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and produces insulin to regulatebloodsugarlevels
Liver (Digestive System) - createsbile, detoxifies and metabolizes
Gallbladder (Digestive System) - stores excess bile
GreaterOmentum (Digestive System) - Tissue that connects the spleen and stomach
Spleen (Digestive System) - controls the level of white, and redbloodcells and platelets, and filters old and damaged ones. Important for immune health as well
Umbilical Chord (Circulatory) - Connected to mother placenta, where the pig gets nutrients , carries blood from placenta to fetus
Peritoneum (Digestive System) - pads and insulates organs
Umbilical vein (Circulatory) - Carries blood from placenta to fetus