Requirebile for their digestion and absorption, travelthrough the lymphaticsystemwithinchylomicronsbeforeentering the bloodstream,manyrequireproteincarriers for transport,excesses are storedprimarily in the liver and adiposetissue
The cells that break downbonecontainsacs of degradativeenzymes, with the helpofvitaminA, theseenzymeseataway at selectedsites in the bone, removing the parts that are notneeded
Leads to infectiousdiseases and blindness, about 1 to 2percent of those with deficiencybecomeblindeveryyear, half of themdyingwithin a year of losingtheirsight
One of the first detectablesigns of vitaminAdeficiency, caused by the retina not receiving enough retinal to regenerate the visualpigmentsbleached by light
Blindnessdue to vitamin A deficiency, develops in stages from the cornea becoming dry and hard, to softening of the corneathatleads to irreversible blindness
MassivedosesofvitaminAhavenobeneficialeffectonacne, the prescription medicine Accutane is madefromvitaminA but is chemicallydifferent and effectiveagainst the deeplesions of cystic acne
Creates a calciumdeficiency and increases the risks of severechronicdiseases,canpreventadolescentsfromreaching their peakbonemass, and cantriggerseizuresduetolowbloodcalcium