How people, ie employees are managed contributes to the success of a business. A business needs to employ, train and pay people to help achieve the objectives of the business.
Identifies the maincharacteristics which the successful applicant will need in order to be able to do the job, e.g. qualifications, experience, skills, interests/hobbies, personality
A larger range of people can apply for the job, but it is a more expensive form of recruitment than internal recruitment and can lower staff morale as there may be less chance of internal promotion
Businesses can use application forms designed to meet their own requirements, containing sections for information such as name, address, telephone number, date of birth, education, qualifications, work history, references
Can be used before or after an interview to provide additional information as to a candidate's suitability, e.g. attainment tests, aptitude tests, intelligence tests, personality tests
Allows people to work away from an office either in the field or at home using technology such as computers, mobile phones, email to stay in touch with the office
Poor reputation meaning customers may not buy and potential employees might not apply, loss of production meaning orders cannot be filled meaning loss of sales, customers may go to a competitor