secondary education

Cards (10)

  • Took a new direction
  • NEP
    Education was funded locally rather than by the Commissariat for Education
  • Central government had difficulty controlling the curriculum
  • Rather than follow the educational programme of polytechnic schools that had been outlined in 1918, local soviets took over existing schools by the Tsarist regime
  • Schools tended to be dominated by children of the wealthy
  • School attendance
    • 97% of students paid fees
    • Around 90% of middle-class students started secondary school
    • Only 3% of middle-class students actually finished secondary school
  • Vast majority of teachers in the former Tsarist schools were trained before the revolution, therefore they continued to teach in the traditional way
  • Their approach to subjects like history remained traditional
  • Government wanted teachers to teach the history of class struggle and of the working class
  • Teachers ignored this and continued to teach the achievements of the Tsar