types of attachment

Cards (12)

  • ainsworth identified three types of attachment - type a - insecure avoidance - type b - secure - type c - insecure resistant
  • type b - secure
  • type a - insecure avoidant
  • type c - insecure resistant
  • secure - strong bond between child and carer - distressed if seperated - easily comforted when reunited
  • insecure avoidant - not distressed when seperated - can be comforted by a stranger - avoid social interaction and intimacy with others
  • insecure resistant - uneasy around the caregiver - becomes upset if seperated - accept and reject social interaction
  • ainsworth strange situation - find attachment type - 70% secure - 15% insecure avoidant - 15% insecure resistant
  • crit ainsworth - cultural bias
  • crit ainsworth - lab study - low ecological validity
  • van ijzendoorn - meta analysis of strange situation - western cultures had more avoidant types largest proportion in germany - japan had high levels oof insecure reistant
  • crit van ijzendoorn - weakness of vlaidity in some studies