Plasticity And Functional Recovery

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  • Neural plasticity is the ability of the brain to change and adapt it's structures and processes as a result of experiences and new learning
  • During infancy the brain experience rapid growth in terms of synaptic connections
  • Macguire et al - London Taxi drivers have significantly more grey matter in their posterior hippocampus - Involved in spatial and navigational skills
  • Functional recovery is a form of plasticity. Following trauma the brain is able to redistribute or transfer functions to other undamaged areas
  • The brain is able to rewire and reorganise itself by forming new synaptic connects close to the area of damage.
  • Limitation - Negative Plasticity
    • Long term drug use can lead to poor cognitive functions and increased risk of demantia
    • 60-80% of Amputees have been known to devlop phantom limb syndrome due to reorganisation in the brain