freud encouraged clients to speak freely about what was on their mind and they need to unveil memories from their unconscious mind and sicker the roots of their problems
role of the unconscious mind
freud described CONSCIOUS MIND: which consists of mental processed of which we are aware, this is seen as the tip of the ice berg
PRECONSCIOUS:thoughts and feelings we are unaware of which can be easily brought to consciousness
UNCONSCIOUS MIND: inaccessible mental processes which influence feelings and behaviours . freud says it's the primary source of human behaviour. where our past experiences are stored.
Structure of personality
-personality is made up of 3 parts:
ID: 0-18 months, pleasure driven and self focus which is irrational and unconscious for instant gratification
EGO: 18 months-3 years, 'reality principle' which is conscious and rational. deals the id's pleasure drive and balances the id and super ego
SUPER EGO: 3-6 years, 'morality principle' which is unconscious and acts as the person's coscience e.g. feeling guilty. helps form morals based on parental and societal values
defence mechanisms
REPRESSION: pushing an unpleasant memory into the unconscious mind so it's not accessible to the conscious mind and can't cause anxiety. there isn no recall of the event or situation.`
Pushing an unpleasant memory into the unconscious mind so it's not accessible to the conscious mind and can't cause anxiety. There is no recall of the event or situation.
Refusal to accept the reality of an unpleasant situation. This reduces anxiety caused by the situation. The individual may believe the situation isn't actually negative and therefore resists the reality.
When the focus of a strong emotion is expressed onto a neutral person or object. This reduces anxiety by allowing expression of that emotion. The individual may channel a strong emotion onto an uninvolved person or object.