The environment in which a business operates, including the community that it serves
Business environment
It is a complex dynamic environment where change in the environmental variables continually determines the success or failure of a business
The variables are often beyond the control of management, so it is management's task to adapt the organisation to change in the environment
At times, management acts proactively by anticipating events, thereby also accelerating change
Environmentalchanges in South Africa
Accelerating urbanisation
Influx of skilled and unskilledimmigrants
High crime rates
Worldwide business organisations are restructuring, outsourcing and trimmingworkforces
Eroding business confidence in the country
One of the sub-environments of the business environment model
Market environment
One of the sub-environments of the business environment model
One of the sub-environments of the business environment model
The social responsibility of business
Economic responsibility
Legal responsibility
Ethical responsibility
Philanthropic responsibility
Favourable conditions or trends in the marketenvironment that can be exploited to the business's advantage by a deliberate management effort
Unfavourableconditions or trends in the marketenvironment that can, in the absence of a deliberate effort by management, lead to the failure of the business, its products or its services
Environmental scanning
1. Measurement
2. Projection
3. Evaluation of change regarding the different environmental variables
The environment is continually changing; therefore, purposeful monitoring is necessary to keep abreast of change
Scanning is necessary to determine which factors and patterns in the environmentposethreats to the present strategy of a business
Scanning is also necessary to determine which factors in the environment present opportunities for a business to attain its goals and objectives more effectively
Businesses that systematicallyscan the environment are more successful than those that do not
define business environment
environment in which a business operates and the community it serves