the life cycle of a star

Cards (7)

  • what are produced during the fusion processes in a star?
    all of the naturally occuring elements
  • how are elements heavier than iron produced?
  • how are elements distributed throughout the universe
    explosion of a supernova
  • why is a star stable in the main sequence stage of its life cycle?
    gravitational force inwards & forces as a result of fusion outwards are in equilibrium
  • what is the life cycle for all stars?
    1. form in a cloud of dust & gas (nebula) by gravity
    2. forms a protostar
    3. fusion begins - hydrogen to helium
    4. fusion of small nuclei into larger nuclei
    5. main sequence star - stable period where gravitational forces inwards balance forces outwards due to fusion
    6. hydrogen begins to run out
    7. helium nuclei fuse to make heavier elements up to iron
  • what happens to stars the same size as the sun?
    1. expand to become a red giant
    2. collapse to white dwarf
    3. cool to black dwarf
  • what happens to stars much bigger than the sun?
    1. expand to become a super red giant
    2. explode in a supernova creating elements heavier than iron & distributing them throughout the universe
    3. become either a neutron star or black hole