Serial Dilutions

Cards (3)

  • What can you use serial dilutions to do?

    Investigate water potential
  • How would you make 5 serial dilutions of a sucrose solution, startig with an INITIAL SUCROSE CONCENTRATION of 2M and DILUTING each solution by a factor of 2?
    1. 5 test tubes - line them up in a rack
    2. Add 10cm3 of the initial 2M sucrose solution to the first test tube and 5cm3 of distilled water to the other four test tubes
  • What are steps 3 and 4?
    3- using a PIPETTE, draw 5cm3 of the solution from the first test tube, add it to the distilled water in the second test tube and mix the solution thoroughly. Now you have 10cm3 of solution that is half as concentrated as the solution in the first test tube that is 1M
    4- REPEAT this process THREE MORE TIMES to create solutions of 0.5M, 0.25M and 0.125M