incompatible with religion where God is sustainer of all
do not kill the innocent and righteous for i will not justify the guilt (bible)
you shall not murder (bible)
isaiah prophesised murder of children in babylon - they will have no pity on the fruit of the womb (bible)
dont kill your children for fear of poverty (Quran)
dont take life ,which God made sacred, except by right (Quran)
in Gods hands is the life of every living thing (bible)
death is better than a miserable life (bible)
no soul may die except with Gods permission at a predestined time (Quran)
my slave hurried to bring death upon himself so I have forbidden him (to enter) Paradise (Hadith)
he will come to judge the living and the dead (the apostles creed)
no one comes to the father except through me (bible)
they will go away to eternal punishment but the righteous to eternal life (bible)
we have indeed made whatever is on earth ... to test which of them is best in deeds (Quran)
race towards forgiveness from your Lord and a garden whose width is like the width of the heavens ... prepared fir those who believed in Allah and His Messengers (Quran)
their penalty will not be lighten nor will they receive respite (Quran)