The valley cross profile is a diagram of the valley as if it had been cut from one side to the other to show the shape of the valley
River discharge is the volume of water flowing through a river channel; measured at any given point in cubic metres per second
The longprofile of the river illustrates the changes in the altitude of the course of the river from source to mouth
A drainage basin is the area of land drained by a river and its tributaries. When a droplet of water falls onto the land as rain, gravity will make sure that the water is 'pulled' downhill to return to the sea
The watershed is the line that separates drainage basins. It runs along a geographical barrier between drainage basins such as a ridge, hill or mountain
Types of Erosion:
Hydraulic action - rocks being forced away from other rocks from force of water into cracks
Types of Erosion:
Abrasion - rocks scraping on the bed as it's carried along like sandpaper
Types of Erosion:
Attrition - Rocks being chipped to smoother pieces as it's carried by colliding with each other
Types of Erosion:
Corrosion/solution - chemical reaction removing the material and it dissolving into the water to be carried along
Types of transportation:
Traction - moving and rolling on bed
Types of transportation:
Saltation - bouncing on bed
Types of transportation:
Suspension - Tiny insoluble parts floating within the water
Types of transportation:
Solution - small particles being carried by and being dissolved in the water
Tributary - a stream or river which flows into a mainstream river
Source - point at which a river starts
Mouth - point at which a river ends
Confluence - the meeting of two or more bodies of water (usually when a tributary joins a more major river)
Deposition - a river's deposited material. Happens when either it is no longer competent or no longer has to capacity to carry the load