SLT - social psychological

Cards (6)

  • learning approach
    believes environmental influences underpin aggressive behaviour - behaviour learned through observing aggression from a role model and then imitating it
  • reinforcement
    aggressive behaviour more likely to be repeated if seeing it be positively reinforced (rewarded) - seeing someone else being rewarded = vicarious reinforcement
  • meditational processes
    Bandura - involved in learning aggression - for aggression to be imitated there must be: attention (noticing aggressive behaviour) - retention (remembering aggressive behaviour) - reproduction (ability to perform aggression) - motivation (will to perform aggression)
  • SLT EVALUATION - Bandura
    split children into two groups, observing aggressive adult towards bobo doll and non aggressive adult - found when children allowed to play with bobo doll children who witnessed aggressive role model were more likely to show aggression - children will observe and imitate aggression from role models
  • SLT EVALUATION - scientific
    focuses on observable and measurable behaviour which can be tested in a controlled conditions - Bandura's bobo doll, highly controlled in lab with toys and bobo doll and learning demonstrated by children clear to observe and measure - supported by empirical evidence
  • SLT EVALUATION - practical applications
    helped shape TV programmes - e.g. not showing aggressive TV shows or films before 9pm (watershed) - can help benefit society by encouraging less aggression and more pro social behaviour