01. Overview of Endocrinology

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  • hormone = substance secreted directly into the blood by specialised cells, present in small concentrations
  • endocrine glands:
    • hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, pancreas, ovary and testes
  • three super families of hormones:
    1. peptide hormones
    2. amino acid derivatives
    3. steroid hormones and small molecules
  • peptide hormones are water soluble, and can be stored in vesicles/granules and released by exocytosis in response to a signal
    • stored as they take a while to make but can act quickly giving rapid response
    • e.g. ACTH and insulin
    • often preprohormones
  • preprohormones and prohormones are inactive until the inactive segment is removed, usually by an enzyme around the target tissue
  • amino acid derivatives are thyroid hormones synthesised from tyrosine in the thyroid
    • stored until needed
    • includes catecholamines, the fastest acting hormones
  • T4 contains 4 iodine residues but is metabolised to T3 which is more active
    • only known need for iodine in diet
  • steroid hormones are lipophilic and produced on demand, not stored
    • mostly produced by adrenals
    • made from cholesterol
    • e.g. glucocorticoids, androgens, thyroid hormone and vitamin D
    • slowest acting hormones
  • StAR is the enzyme needed to turn cholesterol into pregnenolone in the mitochondria
    • rate limiting step in steroid hormone synthesis