Electromagnetic waves

Cards (8)

  • What are electromagnetic waves?
    Transverse waves, they transfer energy from the source of the waves to an absorber.
  • What happens when we shine light through a prism?
    It refracts into spectrum of colors. These are RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET. Each colour of light has a different wavelength and frequency. The side of the spectrum closer to red have a lower frequency but a longer wavelength. The side of the spectrum closer to violet have a higher frequency but a shorter wavelength.
  • Which is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be detected by the human eye?
    Visible Light
  • What is the order of the electromagnetic spectrum?
    Infra Red,
    Visible light,
    Ultra violet,
    Gamma Rays.
    Waves closest to radio have a low frequency but a long wavelength.
    Waves closest to Gamma rays have a high frequency but a short wavelength.
  • What do scientist say the electromagnetic spectrum is?
    A continuous spectrum, this means the cut off point between one type of wave and another is not always clear.
  • What do electromagnetic waves NOT need?
    A medium to travel in, this means the waves can travel through a vacuum e.g. in space.
  • What do all electromagnetic waves do as they travel through a vacuum?
    Travel at the same speed which is 300,000,000 m/s (3 X 10^8 m/s)
  • What do different material cause electromagnetic waves to do?
    Be absorbed
    Be transmitted
    Be reflected
    What happens to the wave depends on the wavelength.