What Limits VO2max

Cards (17)

  • What is VO2max?
    ability of body to take up, transport, and utilize O2; a failure to increase VO2 despite an increase in metabolic demands
  • What are the components of VO2?
    • VO2 = Q x a-vO2difference
    • VO2 = DMO2 x (PO2capillary - PO2mitochondria)
  • Fick's Principle:
    • ability to deliver oxygenated blood and extract it at the muscle
  • Convention
    • cardiovascular system and oxygen delivery
    • VO2 = Q x a-vO2difference
    • Q = HR x SV
    • a-vO2difference = (CaO2 - CvO2)
  • Possible sites of VO2max limitation:
    1. pulmonary function
    2. cardiac output
    3. O2 carry capacity of blood
    4. muscle diffusion
    5. skeletal muscle metabolic factors
  • 1 Pulmonary Function (VE):
    • does reaching a maximal limit of ventilation determine VO2max
    • breathing with hose causes an increase in VT
    • increase VT = increase VD
    • because VD increases, VE must increase too to maintain VA
    • therefore, there was extra space, but it was not used
    • therefore, something else is preventing maximum rate; not due to the lungs!
  • 1 Pulmonary Diffusion (%SaO2):
    • does the ability of the lungs to transport inspired O2 from alveoli to pulmonary capillaries limit VO2max
    • saturation of trained athletes = no change before after after
    • saturation of highly trained athletes = decrease in saturation during maximum exercise
    • inside gas cylinder, very little change with trained, but highly trained increased VO2max
    • therefore, pulmonary diffusion can limit VO2max in highly trained athletes
  • 1 Pulmonary Diffusion:
    • people with gas exchange problems de-saturate quickly and cannot exchange gas
    • inspire O2 = increase VO2 = improve diffusion into blood
    • 17% increase in VO2max when they breathe high O2 compared to room air
    • therefore, capacity of lungs can be a limiting factor to VO2max
  • 2 Cardiac Output:
    • does heart's ability to raise cardiac output limit VO2max
    • testing VO2 in quads with whole body exercise vs single leg
    • cardiac output was less with single leg
    • increase flow = increase VO2max
    • therefore, the heart is a limiting factor
  • 2 Cardiac Output:
    • big part of force = stretch on heart to increase contraction and blood flow
    • removing dog's pericardium
    • cardiac output increased and therefore increased VO2max after the pericardium was removed
    • therefore, cardiac output limits VO2max
  • 2 Cardiac Output:
    • reducing HR via beta-blockade = decrease VO2max
    • beta-blockade blocks NE at SA node
    • if we lower HR, will that impair VO2max in untrained people
    • beta-blockade lowers HR and SV = lowers Q = lowers VO2max
    • therefore, beta-blockade is a limiting factor for VO2max
  • 3 O2 Carrying Capacity of Blood (Hb):
    • does the amount of O2 we carry determine VO2max
    • concentration of Hb determines CaO2
    • increase Hb = increase CaO2
    • study reinfused formed elements into participants
    • this increase Hb content = increase VO2max during incremental exercise = increase endurance performance
    • therefore, CaO2 influences VO2max
  • 4 Muscle Diffusion:
    1. distance between capillary and mitochondria
    2. contact area
    3. pressure gradient
  • 4 Muscle Diffusion:
    • is there a limit to the amount of O2 we can extract from arterial blood
    • CaO2 does not change much
    • CvO2 does change
    • CvO2 falls as intensity increases
    • a-vO2difference widens
    • there is always O2 in blood, even during maximum exercise
    • therefore, muscle O2 diffusion capacity does not limit VO2max because there is always O2 in the blood
  • 4 Muscle Diffusion:
    • PO2 is lower higher up in atmosphere
    • the lower the number of molecules in the gas you are breathing = lower PO2
    • decrease driving pressure (PO2) = decrease VO2max
    • therefore, PO2 influences VO2max; impairs ability of muscle to use O2
  • 5 Skeletal Muscle Metabolic Factors:
    • is their a maximal ability of muscle to utilize O2 for ATP resynthesis
    • VO2max related to mitochondria --> more mitochondria = more O2 = higher VO2max
    • VO2max of whole muscle vs piece of muscle --> the same in untrained; VO2max increases in both conditions for trained (but higher for piece of muscle)
  • Test yourself:
    • took blood out of people
    • blood volume decrease and Q/VO2max decrease
    • decrease blood volume = less pumped/min = less Hb = less O2/less blood moved