
Cards (16)

  • baillargeon is a natavist psychologist - which means that there are an innate response to development
  • baillargeons ideas about piaget - babies can do more than piaget suggests - piaget oversimplified the theory
  • 3 main ideas - object permenance - violation of expectation - primary physical primacy reasoning systems
  • voe = violation of expectation
  • baillargeon - carrot task - children as young as 3 months showed object permenance - able to recognise that the carrot should be there - witnessed an impossible event
  • carrot task shows that paiget underestimated infant abilities - children much younger can show object permenance
  • prs - physical reasoning system
  • prs - infants are equipped from birth with certain mechanisms to learn from experiences - our inital primary understanding develops and becomes more sophisticated as we learn
  • principle of occlusion - babies know what they should see
  • violation of expectation - when the children do not see the bunny through the window
  • crit - hard to researc babies and establish causation due to unpredictable behaviour
  • crit - researching the behaviour through inferences which makes it less objective
  • crit - lack of internal validity - they were researching the levels of surprise not object permenance
  • crit - limited validity - bremner - challenged object permenance - surprise didn't mean they understand
  • pro - psr supported hespos and vanmarle - all have a basic understanding of how the world works
  • pro - high reliability - lab study with controlled variables