
Cards (6)

  • ed. is an ideological state apparatus that reinforces capitalist values
  • ed. is an instrument of the r/c by justifying inequalities in society
  • secondary socialisation - passing on r/c culture through hidden curriculum
    • dominant ideology passed onto w/c - normalising work and inequalities
  • ed. overtrains and qualifies the workplace - fragmented curriculum and capitalist division of labour
    • overtrained and surplus workforce = replaceable workers, increased competition, less wages, more production
  • role allocation and legitimisation of inequalities through myth of meritocracy
    • creates false class conciousness
    • w/c allocated w/c role
    • creates inequalities - myth of meritocracy
  • ed. acts as a bridge between the home and workplace - correspondence theory (bowles & gintis)
    school is a mini workplace - sanctions, rewards, acceptance of hierarchy, deindividualisation by uniform