Cell specialisation

Cards (6)

  • Sperm cell (animal cell)
    • They contain half of the genetic information of a normal adult cell in the nucleus
    • They have a long tail allowing them to swim to the egg cell- streamlined so it's easier
    • Have lots of mitochondria, providing the energy for it to swim
    • Contain enzymes allowing them to digest their way through the outer layer of the egg cell
  • Nerve cell (animal cell)
    sends electrical impulses around the body
    -The axon carries the electrical impulses from one part of the body to another
    -The myelin insulates the axon speeding up the transferring of nerve impulses.
    -Synapse at end of axon to allow impulse to pass from one nerve cell to another
    -Dendrites increase the surface area for nerve cells to connect more easily
    -Long and thin to for nerve cells to sends messages to one another.
  • Muscle cell (animal cell)
    contract and work together to form muscle tissue
    • contain protein fibres to change their length: shorten when contract to decrease length of the cell
    • Contain loads of mitochondria providing energy for muscle contraction
  • Root hair cell (plant cell)
    • Hairs in roots to increase surface area of the root to absorb water and dissolved minerals more effectively.
    • Don’t contain chloroplasts as they are underground
  • Phloem cells (plant cell)
    • phloem vessel cells got no nucleus and only limited cytoplasm.
    • End walls of phloem vessel cells have pores called sieve plates both allowing dissolved sugars to move through the cell interior.
    • Each vessel contains a companion cell connected by pores. -Mitochondria in companion cell provide energy to the phloem vessel cell.
    • Xylem cells (plant cell)
    • Thick walls containing lignin giving the plant support
    • end walls between cells have broken down forming a long tube so water and dissolved minerals can flow easily
    • No internal structure making it easier for water and minerals to flow