Measles is a viral disease showing symptoms of a fever and a red skin rash
Most children are vaccinated against measles because measles is a serious illness that can be fatal if complications arise
Measles is spread by the inhalation of droplets from sneezes and coughs
HIV causes flu like illnesses, then the virus attacks the body’s immune cells
HIV can be controlled successfully with antiretroviral drugs
When the body’s immune system becomes so badly damaged, this can lead to late stage HIV infection or AIDS. So it can no longer deal with other infections or cancer.
HIV is spread by:
sexual contact
exchange in body fluids such as blood, occurs when drug users share needles
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a widespreadplant pathogen that affects many species of plants ie tomatoes
TMV gives a mosaic pattern of discolouration on the leaves which affects the growth of the plant due to a lack of photosynthesis.