Interwar Years

Cards (100)

  • Name Hitler's 6 foreign policies
    Overturning the Treaty of Versailles, rearming Germany, unite all german people in Grossdeutschland, Lebenstraum in the East, Anschluss, Destroy commusnism
  • What happened in the Dolfuss Affair?
    Hitler wanted Anschluss but the Austrian dictator Dolufss did not. Hitler encouraged Austrian Nazis to cause havoc, and they did, but they also killed Dolfuss. However the Austrian government quickly regained power. Hitler afterwards denied involvement witht he unsuccesful coup.
  • When was Dolfuss assassinated?

    July 1934
  • When did Germany leave the League of Nations?
    October 1933
  • How did germany leave the League of Nations?
    The League had a conference about arms. Hitler said he would only disarm if all other countries did too, but France refused so Hitler stormed out and used this as an excuse to leave the League
  • When and where did Hiter show off the weapons he had made?
    March 1935 at the Freedom to Rearm Rally. He had built an army of over 1,000,000 men.
  • When was the Saar Plebiscite held?

    January 1935
  • What was the Saar Plebiscite?
    In the TofV, the Saar had been taken from Germany and given to France. A vote (plebiscite) was help and 90% of the population voted to be returned to germany. Hitler used this as propaganda to support his idea of Grossdeutschland. He also gained rich coal fields to power his industry.
  • When was the Stresa Front agreed?
    April 1935
  • What was the Stresa Front?
    It was an agreement between Britain, France, and Italy to oppose any rejection of treaties that could endanger European peace. (keep to the Locarno treaty and defend Austrian independence). However it gave Italy confidence to invade Abyssinia as it only mentioned peace in europe.
  • Wen was the Anglo-German Naval Agreement?

    June 1935
  • What was the Anglo-German Naval Agreement?

    Britain said germany could have an army 35% and a submarine fleet 45% the size of Britain's. Britain didn't consult France or italy before thsi agreement.
  • What was Anschluss?
    Union of Austria and Germany
  • What was Lebensraum?
    - "Living Space"
    - Hitler's want of more living space for the Germans
  • What was volksdeutsch?
    German blood - Hitler wanted to unite all people he viewed as German. (this included German speaking people living outside of germany in countries such as Poland, Austria and Czechoslovakia.
  • Why did Hitler hate Communism?
    It had been invented by a Jewish man and Hitler had felt that Jewry and communism were the smae and were responsible for all of Germany's problems.
  • Who were the Big Three
    Woodrow Wilson, George Clemenceau, and David Lloyd George
  • When was the armistice signed?
    November 11, 1918
  • What were some of the terms of the armistice?
    German troops would evacuate France and Belgium within 2 weeks, germany would surrender its heavy weapons, and the naval blockade on germany would remain in place. it was also decided that Germany was to blame for the war.
  • What were Clemenceau's aims?
    - to ensure that Germany never rises in power again --> so that another world war doesn't happen
    -weaken Germany as much as possible
    - france was close to germany, so had suffered the most fighting
    - he didn't support the 14 points
  • What were Lloyd George's aims?
    - trade with Germany again (Germany used to be England's second largest trade partner)
    - take away all of Germany's colonies (colonies mean power; Germany will still be a threat to Britain's power)
    - felt less strongly than Clemenceau: he wanted germany to be able to recover economically, but the British public did not
  • What were Wilson's aims?
    To end war by creating a league of nations and to ensure Germany was not destroyed
    The american public wanted to have a system of isolationism (they were far away from europe)
  • What happened in terms of land as part of the terms of the treaty of versailles?
    - Alsace lorraine = given to france
    - Rhineland was demilitarised
    - Germany had to give up all territory in Poland
    - Poland was given the "polish corridor" as access to the sea
    - The saar was to be taken from Germany for 15 years. It would become property of the league of nations
    - The city of Danzig was also given to the League
  • When was the treaty of versailles signed?
    June 1919
  • How much did Germany have to pay in reparations?
    £6.6 billion
  • How many things was Germany allowed in different parts of its military?
    - 100,000 men in the army
    - 6 battleships
    - 0 armoured vehicles, warships or submarines
  • What was stated under article 231 of the treaty?
    The War Guilt Clause
    - germany had to accept blame for the war
  • How did the German public feel about the treaty?
    - they believed in the heroism of their troops and would not admit defeat
    - article 231 was particularly humiliating
    - it was referred to as "Diktat"
    - Germany was still forced to sign the treaty - they didn't have the resources to go to war again
  • How did Lloyd George feel about the treaty?
    - worried it was too harsh
    - reduction of german navy = important for Britain's power at sea
    - Britain's trade would suffer if germany was too weak
    - British Public wanted revenge and so were satisfied
  • How did Clemenceau feel about the treaty?
    - thought germany wasn't weak enough
    - demilitarising rhineland gave france more security
    - wanted reparations to be higher
  • How did the US and Woodrow feel about the Treaty?
    - Wilson was unhappy that just 1 point of his 14 was accepted (the league)
    - The US senate objected to the treaty and never signed. They were concerned it may cause the US to become involved in a future war
  • When did the US and Germany sign their own peace treaty?
    1921 August
  • How much of Germany's annual income did the reparations take?
  • How much of Germany's population did the treaty take?
  • What were the main aims of the league?
    - Maintain peace using: Disarmament, Arbitration (talk, not fight), Collective Security
    - Encourage Co-operation
  • What was the assembly?

    Every citizen was a member of the city's assembly, which voted to make laws. All desicions had to be unanimous, which was difficult bc each country had different beliefs and cultural traditions
  • What was the council?
    They met 4 times a year
    some permanent members (Britain, Japan, France, Italy and later Germany)
    some temporary members
    everyone had a vote, permanent members could veto decisions
  • What was the Secretariat?
    Civil service of the league - carried out the leagues work
  • What was the ILO
    The International Labour Organisation. The aim of the ILO was to improve the conditions of working conditions throughout the world. It was made up of employers, governments and worker's representations who met once a year.
    - it collected statistics and information about working conditions
    - it tried to persuade member countries to adopt its suggestions and ideas for improvement.
  • What was the PCIJ
    The permanent court of international justice
    settled international disputes
    had 15 judges from different countries
    they could give economic sanctions