Groups of people who opposed the Nazi Party after 1933

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  • Some Catholic priests opposed Hitler
  • In 1937, the Pope issued a message of concern about Hitler which was read in every Catholic Church
  • The Catholic Archbishop of Munster led a successful campaign to end euthanasia of mentally-disabled people
  • Many Protestants opposed the Nazis as they did not agree with Hitler turning protestant churches into the Reich Church
  • Protestant pastors led by Martin Niemöller, formed the Confessional Church in opposition to Hitler's Reich Church
  • The socialists and the communists also continued to oppose Hitler
  • Some went into hiding and organised resistance among working class factory workers
  • The White Rose was another opposition group formed by students at Munich University
  • They published anti-Nazi leaflets, but were discovered and executed in 1943
  • The Edelweiss Pirates painted anti-Nazi slogans and beat up Nazi officials
  • The Swing kids were a movement that opposed Hitler's Youth Movement by listening to Jazz music and wearing fashionable clothes
  • The Meuten were gangs of working-class teenagers and young adults who opposed the Nazis and sympathised with socialist ideas
  • Hitler's opponents were not united against him and therefore, opposition groups were very small and ineffective