The role of women in Nazi Germany

Cards (21)

  • As soon as the Nazis came to power thousands of women in professional jobs were dismissed and the number of women at university was greatly reduced
  • In 1933 Marriage loans were introduced to encourage couples to marry and have children
  • If a couple had four children repayment of the loan was cancelled
  • Women who had a lot of children were honoured with the Mother's Cross
  • Only families with four children were officially allowed to be called a family
  • Abortion and contraception were banned and those who broke the law could be executed
  • Unmarried women often had children and there was no longer any shame attached to illegitimacy
  • The age of motherhood for Aryan women was reduced to sixteen
  • Divorce was made easier if one of the partners was infertile
  • Girls were taught from a young age that it was their duty to have as many children as possible
  • Schools and the Hitler Youth concentrated on activities which prepared girls to be wives and mothers
  • Propaganda reinforced Nazi ideas on racial purity and images of the ideal Aryan family
  • Schools, youth organisations and the League of German Women constantly reminded women of their duty to have children
  • Aryan women were only allowed to marry Aryan men to prevent 'racial pollution'
  • Women who were racially 'impure' or who had hereditary illness were forcibly sterilized
  • The Nazis tried to stop women following fashions
  • Make-up and wearing trousers was frowned upon, and hair was 'expected' to be in certain styles
  • Slimming was discouraged because being slim was not thought to be good for childbearing
  • Girls were forced to take part in sport and physical exercise programmes to keep them fit and healthy for childbearing
  • When the war started all of the policies towards women workers were cast away because there was a shortage of workers
  • Millions of women were forced back to work against their will