Problems faced by those in poverty 1900

Cards (9)

  • Poor housing
    • Living conditions were often over crowded with large families being cramped in together, led to disease spreading easily
  • Unemployment
    • Workers had no rights and could be sacked at any time, if someone was willing to work for less they would get the job, not having a job meant no income
  • Irregular employment

    • Many jobs were seasonal, workers would turn up and be told they were not needed, received no wages
  • Workhouse
    • Extremely shameful and embarrassing, conditions incredibly difficult as families were split up and people had to do hard manual jobs to earn their keep
  • Illness
    • If you became ill you received no income and probably lost your job, diseases were common due to overcrowded living conditions but the poor could not afford a doctor
  • Little help given to the poor

    • Government followed a policy of Laissez-Faire resulting in no government help being available
  • Rich had an uncaring attitude to poor people

    • Believed that if you were in poverty it was your own fault
  • Poor diet
    • Malnutrition led to health problems such as Rickets
  • High death rates
    • Especially of young children/vulnerable people who were at risk of catching diseases